Panama – Travel Day

The day started with Ady, being knocked over by the owners’ two dogs, one of which  accidentally scratched her ear, causing it to bleed. We left later than we anticipated and had a stop over at Hospital de Chiriqui Grande to have the scratch looked at by the doctor. A half an hour later, we walked out with antibiotics, a prescription for an antiseptic spray  and a whopping $4 charge for all the services. The hospital was very basic, but it did the trick for what we needed it. The drive from Boquete normally takes about 3 to 3.5 hours through beautiful and lush cloud forest, rain forest and over the Continental Divide.  We were on a 2 o’clock ferry from Almirante to Bocas ($6 per adult, $2.50 per child under 9). A half an hour later, we found ourselves on the dock, waiting for the representative from Red Frog Beach Island Resort, who arrived up a bit late to take us to the office. We ended up dropping our luggage at the office and headed to lunch at Cafe del Mar, after we learned that another boat ride was necessary to reach the hotel.

All was good until we had to wait for what seemed like forever at the Red Frog Resort office in Bocas, for the boat to take us there.  By the time we checked in and were in a villa, it was close to 6 o’clock.

We dropped the luggage, took quick showers and went to dinner at one of resort’s restaurants.

It was a long day, but we were glad to be surrounded by all the amenities offered by this luxury villa.